
DVD eject does not work and key lights seems not normal,how we can do?

   DVD does not work and button lights on and off on JOYING Android car stereo

Android 5.1 autoradio for VW
Question from customer:

Good evening,
Today I installed the car radio.
As for the antenna jack fm, I ordered a Din Iso adapter. It should arrive tomorrow then I'll know to tell you if it's okay or not.
Instead I found a few problems, one serious.
The major problem is that it does not work the eject text of cd / dvd. I inserted a DVD to check the correct operation and the reading was good, the film could be seen quite well. When I pressed the eject button, not only the DVD is not released but is no longer being read (no longer any dvd to the car radio)
The other problems, less serious, are these:
1-micro sd empty gps, I expected to find the software with maps
3 non-work program the steering wheel buttons, even if the keys are already programmed, and allow me to change the volume and radio stations
4-key lights are off, light up when I change the color but then go off

For the moment I have not encountered other problems

Another question: how can I test the operation of the microphone?

I hope you can solve my problems, especially the most serious.

I thank you in advance

Solution of DVD eject and key lights:

1.Regarding the DVD does not eject,please watch these two videos carefully:

2."key lights are off, light up when I change the color but then go off" This is normal situation.If you drive at night, then turn on your car lights, the head unit will follow your car lights on,the screen will dim. Protect your eyes.
If you drive in the daytime, the head unit buttons are Not on, because your car lights are Not on, the screen will have a little light. So you will see the screen clearer.

